For example
Video of NFC Donor Tag Content


Dear John, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. The life of my 3 year old son was made possible by your contribution to the development of the imaging department. I kept the video on my smartphone and I show people who saved our family.

Empowering the donor and the contribution made.

The story of the donor is a very important element in understanding what motivated him or her to contribute. It could be one or a number of elements:

  • Appreciation of the studies he or she acquired in the institution and as a result, offering thanks for being subsequently successful in life.
  • As an expression of gratitude for the dedicated medical care that saved his or her life.
  • As a memorial – a means of remembering.

“A picture is worth a thousand words.  A video worth a thousand pictures”

Each institution recognizes the donors who support and develop this activity. That recognition and appreciation are expressed in the Donor sign.

Scan, listen and read – be moved by the story of a donor.

Scanning the tag using the smartphone sends a wireless message from the tag to the smartphone antenna and the content is displayed on the screen of your smartphone automatically. No application required. There is no need to load the battery.

NFC is an integral part of your smartphone’s capabilities. Android and iPhone

Enhance the image of your organization while honoring the donors

Mirtec has created a special tag for the first time, which serves as a platform for the donor and the institution. The information is direct, intimate, exciting and the experience stimulates other visitors’ desire to be partners in the donation. The exposure to each donor improves identification with their work, thus creating a personal route to connect to the sensibilities of the donor, the donor’s family, the visitors, the staff and the institution.

It is important to mature within each institution and to develop as a token of gratitude to the donors of the past, and to all future donations.