NFC Accessibility Tag

US Patent #15/692,330
The NFC Accessibility tag has been developed to massively aid access to signage for the first time for the visually impaired, the Smartphone provides a superb solution. Mirtec has developed a unique interactive access tag, based on NFC technology broadcasting to your personal Smartphone. The tag structure has 3D Braille dots around it and the content on the Smartphone screen is in accordance with ADA regulation guidelines. The tag contains specific content and the slightest touch can be clearly identified.
Scan, listen and read, and immediately enjoy a new level of accessibility.
No App is required.
There is no need to charge the battery.
Accessibility tag with RI uses
All tags can be integrate with RI signs into the sign or beneath the signs

Identification – Permanent info; – Permanent combined with Chainable info; Chainable info